There is no pre-requisite to appear for any e-TEF examination. However, the candidate must be at least 16 years old at the time of registration.
E-TEF is an online examination. Prior knowledge of how to use a computer is mandatory.
Depending on the e-TEF version that you are interested in, the compulsory sections may differ:

E-TEF is designed to assess your comprehension and expression skills in French on a 7-level scale ranging from level 0+ (elementary skills) to level 6 (total mastery of the language). This scale refers to:
- The 6 levels of proficiency defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECRL) of the Council of Europe;
- The Canadian 12 levels of linguistic skills.

TEF pour les études en France/TEF Canada and TEFAQ: Results will be announced by email within approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the examination date.
IMPORTANT: Please note that e-TEF Certificates are NOT a diploma. They are ONLY valid for 2 years from the date of declaration of the results.