Study more efficiently anytime, anywhere with the e-learning test preparation platform Prepmyfuture!
Prepmyfuture is a private learning institute that provides a new generation of online study material through the development of online technologies.
In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris it promotes French as a tool for professional communication. This platform has been adopted by hundreds of schools, including École Polytechnique, HEC Paris, IÉSEG-School of Management, and EDHEC-Business School.
Prepmyfuture allows you to prepare for specific exams with the following features:
- STUDY PLAN: Design and execute your study plan.
- LESSONS and ACTIVITIES: Review key grammar points and practise the same through course sheets and exercises that are organised by concepts.
- TESTS: Diagnose your level via mock exams
- ANALYTICS: Identify your weaknesses through immediate detailed feedback.
The Prepmyfuture online study kit can be purchased for the following exams:
- TEF Preparation Modules
- DFP Preparation Modules (A1-B2)
- DELF B1 Preparation Modules
- DELF B2 Preparation Modules
Any candidate who wishes to prepare for the DELF B1/DELF B2/eTEF/DFP exams and/or wishes to complement their French learning experience can choose to buy the e-learning kit offered by Prepmyfuture directly through our website.
Such candidates will be given a unique code to access the platform. The access code will only be valid for a period of one year from the time of activation.
One unique code will give you access to only one Preparation module out of the four modules (TEF, DFP, DELF B1, DELF B2) available.

After purchasing your activation code online, please mail us on [email protected] mentioning one of the following modules you want the access code for:
- TEF preparation modules
- DFP preparation modules (A1-B2)
- DELF B1 preparation module
- DELF B2 preparation modules
Note: You can only choose one module on purchase of one code.
Following this mail, you shall receive your access code via mail within 24 working hours. Please check the inbox/spam of your mail for the same.
The access code will only be valid for a period of one year from the time of activation.
Changing language settings (French - English)
You can change the language setting ( French ↔ English) by following the steps given below:
Once you receive this code, you will have access to hundreds of course sheets, self-corrected exercises and mock exams!