The Business French Diploma is a certification created in 1958 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France. It assesses the candidates’s communication skills in French, both written and spoken, in a professional context.
Alliance Française de Bombay conducts the DFP B2 Course (approx. 140 hours long) to prepare aspiring candidates for the Business French Diploma.
Whether you are a student or a professional (entrepreneur, project/product manager, engineer, consultant, etc.), the Business French Diploma will allow you:
- To differentiate yourself on the job market
- To gain new responsibilities
- To develop new markets around the world
- To strengthen your relationships with French speaking customers or partners.
This international test that measures your overall level of proficiency in French in three different domains:
- Business
- Tourism/Hospitality/Catering
- International Relations

Results are valid for life from the date that they are announced.
The diploma is approved by the French Department of Labor, many foreign Ministries of Higher Education and CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education.
DFP is meant for students and/or professionals already working with French speakers, or willing to take a chance on the international work market.
DFP assesses comprehension and expression skills in French for a given level (A1 to C1). It gives a quantitative and qualitative measure of the level of candidate’s linguistic and communication skills in professional contexts. It offers a detailed and personalised analysis of results.
Depending on your field of expertise, choose your appropriate DFP version:
- Business (Affaires): A1 to C1
- International Relations: B1 to C1
- Tourism/Hospitality/Catering: A2 to B2
To register, send an email to [email protected]

For more information on the different versions available, please refer to the website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France.