Aug 6 (Tue) | 6:30 pm | Theosophy Hall
The Curse of Being a Girl
By Dominique Sigaud

Dominique Sigaud ©John Foley/Opale/Leemage
In this conference, Dominique Sigaud will present her powerful book La Malédiction d’être fille or The Curse of Being a Girl. This book looks at statistics obtained with the help of many international associations along with meetings with women and girls in France, the United States, India, and Egypt. The figures are startlingly grim – one in five girls in the world suffers sexual violence before the age of 18. In France, 40% of reported rapes and attempted rapes concern minors under the age of 15. In the United Kingdom, 21% of girls under 16 years of age have been victims of sexual abuse. Instead of simply listing these figures in all their brutality, Dominique attempts to analyse the reasons behind what causes violence against young girls.
Event in English | Free and open to everyone | No registration needed
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In partnership with the Embassy of France in India and the French Institute in India