City: Mumbai
Location: Sakshi Gallery Tanna House
Date: Thu, 2012/06/14 – 6:30pm
In partnership with Sakshi Gallery and French Embassy in India
Cycle d’animation « Résolument animés. Animations citoyennes» (73’)
Concrete, by Ariel Belinco & Michael Faust
The day to day life of a military world is disturbed by the appearance of a black kite behind its high walls.
Les oiseaux blancs, les oiseaux noirs, by Florence Miailhe
This is a parable of good and evil where while birds are good thoughts and black birds are bad ones
Tadeus, by Philippe Julien & Jean-Pierre Lemouland
A newcomer in fifth year in primary school. Tadeus comes from Chechnya and puzzles the other pupils. Will they accept him in their circle?
Ligne de vie, by Serge Avédikian
The life line of an imprisoned designer, in a work camp, brings people closer.
James Monde, by Soandsau
Learning to respect the environment.
L’usine, by Frédéric Cussey, Jonathan Tamene, Yann Boyer & Eric Simon
After being cut down in the forest, a tree is taken to a factory where it will be chopped into little bits and transformed.
A l’époque…, by Nadine Buss
One of the rare cases of a German coming to France to seek refuge during the Liberation was my father. His biggest nightmare was that someone would find out his nationality…