Ousmane Sow (1935-2016), sculpteur sénégalais, devant une de ses oeuvres, “Le Guerrier debout” (série Masaï). Dakar (Sénégal), 1997.
Ousmane Sow by Béatrice Soulé (26′)
Ousmane Sow, Le soleil en face by Béatrice Soulé (55′)
For more than a year, Béatrice Soulé has been following the creation of “Bataille de Little Big Horn”, the new piece of art of Ousmane Sow. Béatrice Soulé’s remarks show her deep understanding of Ousmane Sow as well as her admiration for his work which allows us to understand the importance of the exhibition of this piece of art in Paris.
Free screening in partnership with What About Art