The results are out! Alliance Française de Bombay is pleased to announce the winners of the Treasure Hunt!
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Solve clues and pose in front of the relevant art installations!
Surprise us with your innovative selfies (bonus points for weird expressions) at our Treasure Hunt: the most creative photographers will win a host of exciting prizes such as a free French classe of 120h, a free French class of 60h and a Rs. 2000 voucher at Suzette, the French restaurant.
To participate, follow the instructions below:
1- Read the clues and figure out which are the art installations
2- Take your photo in front of each art installation (you have to participate individually, group entries will be disqualified)
2- Post it on Instagram with the hashtags #AFBombay #kalaghoda2017 and tag us @AFBombay (if you do not have Instagram, you can send an email at
3- Deadline for submitting photos on Intstagram or by email is Sunday 12th at 6pm. Check our website, the results will be announced very soon!
The clues are out!
Arrêt 1 – Indice surprise ! Venez à notre stand pour le trouver !
Pit Stop 1- Surprise clue! Come to our stall to find out!
_ pit stop cancelled as the festival cancelled the art installation
Arrêt 2 – Le nom de l’oeuvre de Rahul Das rime avec la version anglaise d’Aladin. Nous voulons voir votre photo avec…
Pit Stop 2- The name of Rahul Das’s oeuvre rhymes with Aladdin
We want to see your selfie with this ____
Arrêt 3 – L’oeuvre de Roopvalat Studio porte le nom en sanskrit du cheval. Une photo avec cette oeuvre d’art est primordiale !
Pit Stop 3- Roopvalat Studio’s piece is called the Sanskrit name for Horse. A selfie with this installation is what we need, of course!
/!\ As the 3rd pit stop is quite difficult to find, here’s another clue /!\
I hang in the air,
The horse is black,
Keep your eyes open,
This pitstop you must track!
Arrêt 4 – Le mur est créatif, à l’art il est lié. Une photo avec, et tous les indices sont presque trouvés !
Pit Stop 4- This wall is creative, to Art it is bound. A selfie with it, and all the clues are almost found!
Arrêt 5 – L’oeuvre des Bois Sifflants est un endroit branché. A travers le temps cette photo vous fera voyager !
Pit Stop 5- Whistling Woods’ installation is the place to be
Movement across space-time is what this selfie will be!
Arrêt 6 – Prenez une dernière photo avec un membre de l’équipe AFB: cherchez le Tshirt Oohlala !
Pit Stop 6- Take a final photo with a member of AFB team: keep an eye out for the Oohlala Tshirt!
In partnership with Kala Ghoda Arts Festival & Suzette