The impact of human action on environment and climate change is probably one of the biggest issues of our era.
In order to deal with this concern, 195 countries will gather in Paris, at the end of the year, for the 21st conference on climate (COP21) which would lead to the adoption of an Internationally binding agreement whose ultimate aim would be to achieve a carbon free society and economy.
With this perspective, Alliance Française de Bombay, Volunteer Space in India and Planète Urgence will create, in the framework of Adda Volontariats, a platform created to facilitate periodic and informal interaction between NGO’s, volunteers and citizens, and to democratise the exchange of ideas. They decided to bring these topics into the public domain and to launch a debate that will focus on waste management in India.
Ms. Jyoti Mhapsekar, Nawneet Rajan and Dilip D’Souza will bring their experience and analysis to light this issue and discuss about possible solutions with the audience.
. Ms. Jyoti Mhapsekar, representing Stree Mukti Sanghatana.
(find more information on: http://
. Nawneet Rajan, social entrepreneur, film maker and co founder of Dharavi Diary.
(find more information on http://
. Dilip D’Souza is a well known writer and journalist based in Mumbai, who worked for Sunday Observer, Hindustan Times and has his blog in the New-York Times (http://
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In partnership with Volunteer Space in India & Planète Urgence