AF Bombay presents the book launch of ‘Bahadur: Shah of Gujarat’ – A misunderstood teenager whose story shaped India, written by Kalpish Ratna, published by Simon & Schuster India.
The launch will be followed by a brief discussion with the authors, Dr. Kalpana Swaminathan and Dr. Ishrat Syed.
Time has forgotten Bahadur Shah. History has condemned him as a wastrel and overlooked his military genius. What was he really like ? Come find out!
- Free & open for all
- Registration mandatory
Thursday, 18 January
6:30 PM onwards
AF Bombay – Theosophy Hall
Dr. Kalpana Swaminathan and Dr. Ishrat Syed write together as Kalpish Ratna. Both practicing surgeons, they explore the interface between science and humanities.
The story of Bahadur Shah is deeply personal to them, having grown up in Shashti Island, which was an erstwhile part of Gujarat. However, they soon discovered that his history was buried underneath fantastical tales and exaggerated accounts by the Portuguese, which had been unquestioningly accepted by not only the colonial historians of the 19th and 20th centuries, but also the tertiary sources, which were standard historical narratives of our time.
However, a little further digging revealed verifiable anecdotes by Indian historians, talking about what had happened to their people. As pieces of the jigsaw puzzle came together, it revealed an intriguing young man, who could have been the quintessential hero, had history not damned him.